Since the 21 founding Wabash student members were originally initiated by the Sphinx Club of Indiana University in 1921, approximately 2,500 Wabash students (or about 25 per class year on average) have been elected to membership by the current student members of the Sphinx Club of Wabash College. We are pleased to make available a complete membership roster. Please use the contact form to notify us of any errors or corrections.
Class of 1963
Arthur Atkinson
Robert Atkinson
Joe Beal
Thomas Billings
George Brattain
Curtis Burkhart
P. Bill Dickerson
William Diener
John Doherty
James Endicott
Robert Erickson
Thomas Freeman
Robert Hainje
James Hamsher
John Hay
Peter Hedges
Robert Kruse
H. Lincoln McGurk
Russell Nichols
Lee Nickerson*
Ken Parmelee
Bruce Polizotto
Glenn Pride
Henry Rodgers
Richard Stanton
Derwood Stephens
Hans Van Etten
Thomas Verachtert
Richard White**
William Wilson
Class of 1964
Edward Ayers
Dudley Burgess
William Diehl
Robert Endicott
Robert Gahl
Lynn Garrard
Tallmadge Haas
William Hepler
Alan Hiratsuka
Carl Kern
William Konzelman
William Kristan
Robert Mitchell*
Andrew Peterson
Charles Rubey
Troy Scott***
Norman Starr
Brady Stone
William Tingle
Michael Tuberty
John Tweedle
Howard Weliver
Class of 1965
Allan Anderson
William Arick
Jerry Boyer
Edward Charbonneau
Roger Colehower***
Alfred Craske
Steven Crist
Larry Forrester
Richard Glover
Thomas Goldstein
James Graham
David Hadley
Richard Hughes
Byron Kemper
Richard Lee
Robert Martin
William McCarty
Malcolm Metzler
William Myers
W. Larry Niemann
Harrison Parker
James Patterson
Stuart Phillips
Richard Polk
Eddie Powell
Theodore Roetken
James Russell**
Donald Schmidt
Thomas Werbe*
Terrence White
Thomas Williams
David Wilson
Charles Witte
Thomas Zimmers
Class of 1966
Robert Adams
George Carpenter
Richard Cauthen
John Coligan
Dean Davis
C. Lynn Dick
William Ferguson
Richard Gray
Michael Hall
Ralph Hesler
F. Jan Hesser
Stephen Hildebrand
David Kendall*
Ronald Leisure
John Meng
John Miller
Thomas Moorman
Mark Nilsson
James Roeder
Max Rudicel
Gerald Sedmak
J. Jim Sedmak
William Summers
Robert Takacs
Richard Vozel
Dennis Whigham
John Wilson***
Gerald Wood
Class of 1967
Edward Bell
Richard Chilausky
Daniel Daniels
Clark Dickerson*
John Evans***
Charles Girdwood-Mack
Michael Gray
Albert Henry
Duane Hile
John Hileman
Myron Hinderliter
Daniel Jenkins
Robert Larzelere
John May
David Montieth
John Newport
Rand Nilsson
Thomas Perry
Lawrence Remble
Paul Robinson
Alan Rush
Robert Sonnemaker
Jackson Webster
Thomas Werner**
Michael Zoracki
Class of 1968
Michael Akers
Thomas Bambrey
Stephen Bowen
Robert Brash
G. Dick Callaway
Robert Faul
J. Mike Gallagher**
John Greves
Lee Grogg
Steven Henry
John Hudson
Douglas Jones
John Lord
William Markin
William McCluskey
Edward Meisenheimer
William Nie
Willis Peelle
James Roper
Ronald Shearer
Randall Slickers
Terry Smith***
Harry Staley
Mark Sutton
Class of 1969
J. Mark Albertson
Peter Betjemann
William Bird
Robert Bowman
Robert Brandes
Richard Campbell
Jasper Cragwall
Gregory Crawford**
Richard Goldblatt*
David Knott
Paul Langstroth***
Joseph Martella
Robert McVicker
Stephen Mihalko
Wayne Monroe
David Moore
Arthur Morelli
William Papendick
Warner Peck
Joseph Phelan
J. Chris Shank
Class of 1970
Julius Alberico
Jay Armstrong***
Gordon Dempsey
Bernard Emkes
Thomas Freeman
Charles German
Michael Godan
Peter Hatton
Byron Hollett
Thomas Hutcherson
Noble Jones
Michael Kelley
Frank Ling
Dwight Lunderman
Ronan Marra
Wayne Middendorf
David Peters
Thomas Petska
Edwin Scahill
Terry Schuck
David Shane
Philip Sidebottom
Jon Slaughter
Peter Volz
Class of 1971
Wayne Adams
Gerald Bowman
Joseph Chentnik
M. Jim Czarniecki
G. Mike Dill
Ronald Flynn
Roscoe Lee Fouts*
W. Mike Gephart
David Graham
Peter Grills
J. Beck Hannaford
Steven Hays
Eugene Kepple
Joseph LaValle
Robert Long
Thomas Martella
Craig Martin
Charles Metzler
Timothy Pickrell
Vernon Tompkins
Class of 1972
W. Fred Avant
Daniel Boyle
Donald Burhans
Michael Dockendorf
Stephen Flink
David Garbison
Paul Gearhardt***
Bradley Goff
Timothy Hewitt
Roger Hurd**
Rodney Kenley
Daniel Loftus
Stephen Martin
Hugh McClelland
William Nielsen
Randy Shaffner
K. Don Shelbourne
David Smyth
Richard Stout
Michael Tipton
Don Van Deursen***
R. Scott Yeazell
Stephen York
James Zavesky
**Vice President