Since the 21 founding Wabash student members were originally initiated by the Sphinx Club of Indiana University in 1921, approximately 2,500 Wabash students (or about 25 per class year on average) have been elected to membership by the current student members of the Sphinx Club of Wabash College. We are pleased to make available a complete membership roster. Please use the contact form to notify us of any errors or corrections.
Class of 1933
Hadden Anderson
Lloyd Ault
Ted Carmack
William Cassel
Fred Coffman
Y. Burdette Hall
Max Keenan
Kenneth Lovgren
C. Robert Mueller
Edwin Nelson
Elmer Peterson
Heman Powers
Kenneth Rush
Alan Sigrist
Stuart Smith***
Robert Squire**
Waldo Wheeler
Charles Wrona
John Yeager
Class of 1934
E. Eugene Beaman
Allan Bomberger
George Cole
Joseph Danforth
John Easthope
James Elliott
Norbert Kniesly***
Donald Kutz
Cedric Mangus
Robert Memering
George Miller
Paul Mueller
Robert Rhodehamel**
Joseph Stepka
Albert Thomas
Harry Varner
E. Gary Vinroot
Kenneth Wright
Class of 1935
Herman Berns*
Elmer Berol
Walter Blackburn
Ralph Crisler**
A. J. Davis
Durward Gerow***
Stewart Hartfelter
Oakley Jenks
Lloyd Joyce*
Charles Kelso
Leo Ludwig
George Meahl
Ross Nelson
Chauncey Oren
Donald Reinert
Frank Robertson
Harold Romberg
C. Gene Rovenstine
George Snyder
Gordon Stierwalt**
George Underwood
Class of 1936
Philip Adler
Laynos Billingsley
Robert Gewecke
Philip Hanlin
William Heath
Byron Hollett
William Hunter
Herbert Kent
Frank Luzar
Marx Merrell
Carl Prestin***
Ben Rubush
Robert Smith
William Snyder
Robert Spiedel***
Kenneth Stilling
James Wood
Class of 1937
Robert Alexander
John Baker
John Engle
Will Hays
Frederick Heintz
Gordon Hoke
Paul Husting
John Kingsbury
Frank Kyle*
Ernest Miller
John Moring
John Newell
James Rogers
John Van Duzer
Jack White
Leonard Wolff
Class of 1938
Carl Bergquist*
Edmund Cooney**
Robert Edwards
John Ford
Charles Gaines
Joseph Gruca
Edison Heintz
Harold Hester
F. Wayne Johnson
Robert Jones
Robert Matthews
Warren Pyne
Harry Rutledge
Roland Tauscher
David Thompson
Class of 1939
William Baker
John Berns***
Ralph Chupp
Walter Davis
William Davies
Richard Dearborn
John Elliott
Joseph Fisher
George Gilbert
H. Hanscom
William Kitzmiller*
Frank Kobal**
Bob Long
Edward Marciniak
Joseph Mayberry
William Pack***
Jack Rich
Ward Schaub
Richard Stewart
Gilbert Supple
William Vosloh
Eugene Wahl
Class of 1940
Ransom Griffin
Dick Carr
John Hanna
Payne Heimbrodt***
Malcolm McDermott
James Phillips
Orville Post
Edward Powers*
Frederick Rhode**
John Salyer
Robert Shearer
Class of 1941
James Adamson
Donald Buehner
Edward Campbell
William Dearborn
Paul Emmert
William Fisher***
Walter Gray
Carl Klein
Karl Kohlstaedt
Thomas McConnell
Stephen Noland
John Pease
Martin Quinn
Fred Reynolds
Thomas Ryan
Glenn Rynerson
William Sabo
Samuel Scheivley
Loren Schloot
Arthur Schulze
James Seiler
Donald Sheeler
Class of 1942
William Calwell
Gale Christopher*
Frederick Coffield***
James Forbes
Omer Foust
Marshall Johnson
Harry Leach
Joe Miller*
Joseph Pritchett
Rawlings Ransom
Donald Schmitt
John Scott
William Stautz
David Stoner
Charles Walker
George Wilson**
**Vice President