Since the 21 founding Wabash student members were originally initiated by the Sphinx Club of Indiana University in 1921, approximately 2,500 Wabash students (or about 25 per class year on average) have been elected to membership by the current student members of the Sphinx Club of Wabash College. We are pleased to make available a complete membership roster. Please use the contact form to notify us of any errors or corrections.
Class of 1922
Richard Bostwick+
John Burns+
Frank Cox+
Jasper Cragwall+
James Gauld*+
John Lauman+
Harold Perkins+
Ray Porter+
John Ruckleshaus+
Charles Smith+
Kirby Wells+
Philip White+
Class of 1923
Walter Acheson+
Evan Byrd
Lloyd Cast+
Richard Cushwa+
Martin Ellingham+
Terman Englehardt
Eugene Gullett+
Nevin James+
Harold Johnson***
Harris Johnson
James McClamrock
Edmund McComb+
George Stasand***+
Fred Taylor***+
Raymond VanArsdale
Class of 1924
Frederick Aul
William Backman**
Lloyd Beall
John Collett
Merle Cooper
Alonzo Goldsberry
Ben Hadley
John Handley
Clifton Kessler
Robert Landenberger***
Harold Spears
Robert Strong
James Stuart
Class of 1925
Glen Arthur
Ward Bartlett
Vernon Brown
Charles Caddock
William Collingnon
Alva Combs**
James Dale
William Guthrie
Edmund Hann
Willis Johnson*
Fletcher Kerr
Robert Leslie
Richard McLallen
Frank McMillan*
James Pierson***
Harlan Shields
Merlyn Staples
Cleon Swayzee
Gould VanOsdol
George Warner
Frederick Wyatt
Loral Wyatt
William Yarling
William Young
Class of 1926
Richard Banta
Willard Cartwright
Franklin DuBois**
Malcolm Edwards
Charles Gipson
Ralph Hackett
Norman Heysett
James Martin***
Morel Miller
Dewitt O'Kieffe
Frederick Schuller
Donald Sherman
Floyd Thompson
Harold Veazey
Donald Vorse
Class of 1927
Carl DeBard
Bryson Gerard
Gordon Helm
William Howard
Herbert Jeffries
Marc Labavitch
Bailey McConnell
Darwin Merkley*
Francis Mountain*
Myron Phillips**
Clark Robertson
Maurice Robinson
Dale Roth
Fred Shanklin
Borton Sowers
Clayton Weber***
Elwood Yerwood
Class of 1928
Charles Bomberger
Gordon Castle
Theron Coffel
Ray Corbly
William Daves
Ralph Downing
Charles Dryer
John Hollett
Perry Loer
Harris Long
Charles McCorkle
Hugh McDougall
George Metcalf
Joseph Oliphant
Charles Smith
Bernard Suverkrup
Wayne Viner***
Class of 1929
Albert Bayer
T. Wallace Brooks
Paul Burns
George Caile
Thomas Casey
Max Crawford
Fred Dunihue
Ray Ehrensberger**
Oren Grant
Paul Johnson***
Chester Leliter
John Miles
James Mullin
Clarence Pease
John Siddall
Walter Thornburg
John VanNuys*
Class of 1930
Richard Alexander**
Warren Buchanan
Robert Cox
Norman Cox
Elmer Cummins
Eugene Druley
Keith Edwards
Joe Ellison
Errett Groves
Allan Hanna
Kenneth Harbison
John Johnson
William Laser
Robert Oliphant
Charles Rosser
Clayton Weist***
Kenneth Wood
Class of 1931
Henning Bjork
Ferris Bowman
Lloyd Chase*
Lester Cox
Robert Daly
William Darnall**
Edmund Fulton
Leslie Groves
James Hendricks
Willis Howell***
David Johnson
Harold Jones
John Mathews
Clement Stanford
Ed Steiniger
Jack Sullivan
Clem Thompson
Charles Ward
Class of 1932
Paul Baron
David Bash
Melvin Browning
Edgar Engel
Earl Gehle
Clarence Goodman
Paul Kelley
Robert Koenecke***
George O'Neal
John Plummer
Cloyd Ryan
Joel Shepherd
Merritt Alyea Swails
Stuart Tipton
Ralph Weingartner
**Vice President